英语听力精选进阶版 8065(在线收听

I'm Oliver Conway with highlights from across BBCWorld Service News today.


Coming up, reports here in Britain say theintelligence agency GCHQ spied on millions ofpeople through their webcams storing sexually explicit images. One of the founders of Cuba’srevolution who’s later jailed by Fidel Castro has died in Miami.


The German Chancellor Angela Merkel was given the red carpet treatment on her one-day visitto London on Thursday. She was given the honor of addressing both houses of parliament andshe had tea with the Queen. Many were hoping she would give a clue about her views on anyrenegotiation of Brain’s relationship with the European Union, but Mrs. Merkel said both peoplewould be disappointed. “Supposedly or so I have heard, some expect my speech to pave theway for a refinement reform of the European architecture, which will satisfy all kinds ofalleged or actual British wishes. I’m afraid they are in for a disappointment. I've also heardthat others are expecting the exact opposite and hoping that I would deliver a clear and simplemessage here in London that the rest of Europe is not prepared to pay almost any price tokeep Britain in the European Union. I’m afraid these hopes will be dashed, too.”


Our Europe editor Paul Henley tells me more about what Mrs. Merkel said. “Angela Merkel isn't awoman who goes out her way to please. She is fairly uncompromising. She is astraightforward person and she communicates in a very straightforward way. But she didn'tbend.” “But she is, she does have some things in common with the British Prime MinisterDavid Cameron. They are both center-right leaders. They are both part of coalition. And theyboth do want some changes in the European Union.” “Absolutely, but she made it very clearthat she would not be working to a British agenda. It won’t be anti-British agenda, either. Andshe put it as simply as that. She hinted that there might be some flexibility, not much. She willbe in power for any renegotiation of EU treaties Mr. Cameron might not be. This was a womanvery much in charge and very much in the driving seat of Europe. And I got the impressionwatching the audience that they knew that she was the one to look up to, really.” “So no realchange o

f policy then.” “No. And she didn't come here to announce it. She came here to say that sheviewed Britain as a close ally and friend and we’ll see.” Paul Henley.

