英语听力精选进阶版 8067(在线收听

As we record this podcast, the Oscars are about toget underway in LA. It seems there is no limit towhat celebrities will do to look their best during theHollywood’s glamorous award season. But beautytreatments of all kinds are big business in the USand not just for the stars. According to theAmerican Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 15 million cosmetic surgery procedures wereperformed in the US last year. BBC’s Lee Pattison met two Los Angles doctors to see howtreatments could actually help stars reveal the best versions of themselves.


“Deep breath. Exhale slowly.” Lodie Richards gets her blood drawn for what is in the office aroutine beauty treatment. “How was that?” “Painless.” Doctor Mark Darrel oversees one nearlyeveryday. “LA is cosmetic city. There’s no question about it. We have people who come inwho have to beg, borrow and steal, but they are doing the ‘vampire face-lift’.” The sinistername comes from the fact that the procedure uses the patients’ own blood. It’s an especiallypopular pre-Oscars treatment because it’s non-invasive with little recovery time. And doctorDarrel sees results. “Biopsies have been done and we have actually seen new tissue growth.This is not just a mania of cosmetics. This is the new face-lift.” “You look good. You wannalook better. That’s what this town is all about.” Merle Ginsberg is the senior style writer at theHollywood Reporter. She says beauty trans that seem extreme often start here. “Who hasmore money and access than people in films and television and music? No.1. No. 2, they havethe pressure to look good. It’s part of how much they make for a living.” Here in Beverly HillsI’m standing on Rodeo Drive. This world famous street is filled with fancy cars and designerstores like Cartier and Channel. And this neighborhood, one of the most exclusive in LosAngles is home to actors, musicians and stars of all sorts and the people who keep thembeautiful. Merle Ginsberg again, “the quest for beauty is very very humane and really it’s to meabout the quest for love and attention and approval and validation. And that will never everever go away.”

“深吸一口气,慢慢呼气。”罗蒂·理查兹正在接受抽血,来这里整容一般多要经历经历这个环节。“感觉怎么样?”“不疼。”马克·戴劳医生每天至少接受一位前来整容的顾客。“洛杉矶是美容之城,这是毫无疑问的。有些人哪怕沿街乞讨、四处借钱、坑蒙拐骗,也要做‘吸血鬼整容’手术。”该手术要用患者自己的血液,因此才有了这个瘆人的名字。奥斯卡颁奖典礼之前,这种手术特别受欢迎,因为它是无创手术,而且术后恢复快。戴劳医生负责检查注射的结果。“我们已经做了活体组织切片,而且亲眼看到长出了新的组织。这不是简单的化妆新潮流,而是一种崭新的整容术。”“如果你长得好看,你就像变得更漂亮一些。这个城市就是这样。”梅尔·金斯伯格是《好莱坞报道》杂志时尚版资深作家。她说,一些看似极端的整容手术都发源于洛杉矶。“影视明星、歌手,谁能比他们更有钱?见识得更多?这是第一点。第二,他们有变美的动力。因为他们要靠脸吃饭。” “我现在站在比佛利山庄罗迪欧大道上。这条世界著名的大街所处可见豪车和著名设计师的店,比如卡蒂亚和香奈儿。这是洛杉矶最特别的地方之一,许多演员、音乐人和各路明星都在这里安家,同时,还有使他们美貌长存的人。”梅尔·金斯伯格说道:“爱美之心,人皆有之。对我来说,对美的追求也是对爱、关心、赞许和认同的追求。这是永远不会变的。”
