英语听力精选进阶版 8069(在线收听

I’m Jackie Leonard with a selection of highlightsfrom across BBC World Service News today.

我是杰姬· 伦纳德,通过BBC“全球服务”栏目,为您带来今天的新闻要点。

Coming up, an uneasy calm prevails in Crimeaamid military standoff between Russia and Ukraine. Meanwhile, in Moscow President Putininsists he still recognizes Ukraine’s ousted President Viktor Yanukovych as the legitimateleader. “It’s clear he doesn't have any power. That’s understandable. I want to repeat thatthe legitimate president in purely legal terms is of course Yanukovych.” So what impactmight this have for the US Secretary of States meeting in Kief with those who replaced him?Also in this podcast, an ancient virus has been brought back to life by French scientistsafter lying dormant for at least 30,000 years. And we’ll hear about the last letters written byJapanese Kamikaze pilots to their loved ones during the World War II. “Dear mother, my oneregret is I could not do more for you before I die. But to die as a fighter for the Emperor is anhonor. It is something you can feel happy about. Do not feel sad.”


Could climate change unleash deadly viruses that have lain dormant for thousands ofyears. It’s possible according to a group of French scientists who have for the first timerevived an ancient virus that have been buried in Siberian permafrost for 30,000 years.Fortunately, the one they found wasn't deadly to humans but it did cause some nasty damageto an amoeba they tested it on. Our science reporter Rebecca Morelle spoke about thefindings. “It’s an absolutely incredible piece of research. So the viruses was found variedabout 30 meters down in the Siberian permafrost. And it’s been lying there dormant, notdoing anything for the last 30,000 years. But it was taken out and it sprung back to life, whichis pretty incredible and the first time that a virus this old has actually been revived. It’salso quite a weird virus, too. It’s very big in size. You can actually see it under amicroscope, which is really unusual for a virus and it’s the biggest scientists have found soold and revived.” “And it’s under control or not?” “Yes. So the good news is this doesn'tactually affect humans or animals. But scientists all worried that there could be more deadlyviruses lurking down there in the deep place at the permafrost, smallpox for example. Thatwas around thousands of years ago. It’s eradicated now on the surface, but there is a chanceif those deep places were penetrated.”



I’m Jackie Leonard with a selection of highlightsfrom across BBC World Service News today.

我是杰姬· 伦纳德,通过BBC“全球服务”栏目,为您带来今天的新闻要点。

Coming up, an uneasy calm prevails in Crimeaamid military standoff between Russia and Ukraine. Meanwhile, in Moscow President Putininsists he still recognizes Ukraine’s ousted President Viktor Yanukovych as the legitimateleader. “It’s clear he doesn't have any power. That’s understandable. I want to repeat thatthe legitimate president in purely legal terms is of course Yanukovych.” So what impactmight this have for the US Secretary of States meeting in Kief with those who replaced him?Also in this podcast, an ancient virus has been brought back to life by French scientistsafter lying dormant for at least 30,000 years. And we’ll hear about the last letters written byJapanese Kamikaze pilots to their loved ones during the World War II. “Dear mother, my oneregret is I could not do more for you before I die. But to die as a fighter for the Emperor is anhonor. It is something you can feel happy about. Do not feel sad.”


Could climate change unleash deadly viruses that have lain dormant for thousands ofyears. It’s possible according to a group of French scientists who have for the first timerevived an ancient virus that have been buried in Siberian permafrost for 30,000 years.Fortunately, the one they found wasn't deadly to humans but it did cause some nasty damageto an amoeba they tested it on. Our science reporter Rebecca Morelle spoke about thefindings. “It’s an absolutely incredible piece of research. So the viruses was found variedabout 30 meters down in the Siberian permafrost. And it’s been lying there dormant, notdoing anything for the last 30,000 years. But it was taken out and it sprung back to life, whichis pretty incredible and the first time that a virus this old has actually been revived. It’salso quite a weird virus, too. It’s very big in size. You can actually see it under amicroscope, which is really unusual for a virus and it’s the biggest scientists have found soold and revived.” “And it’s under control or not?” “Yes. So the good news is this doesn'tactually affect humans or animals. But scientists all worried that there could be more deadlyviruses lurking down there in the deep place at the permafrost, smallpox for example. Thatwas around thousands of years ago. It’s eradicated now on the surface, but there is a chanceif those deep places were penetrated.”

