英语听力精选进阶版 8071(在线收听

It's been almost 24 hours since a Malaysian Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing wasreported missing. But there's still no indication of what happened, despite an air in sea search.Earlier reports of two apparent oil slicks sighted off the Vietnamese coast have not beenconfirmed. Most of the 239 people aboard the plane were Chinese. Discrepancies on thepassenger manifest have let some analysts to speculate about a possible terrorist attack.Here's John Sudworth with more from Beijing.

With more than 150 Chinese nationals on board, The Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reportersthat it was being treated as a national emergency. Two men named as being on the passengerlist are in fact reported to be safe and well. One Austrian and one Italian and both were said tohave had their passports stolen while travelling in Thailand in recent years. If it is confirmedthat those passports were used to board the plane, then it would of course be a potentiallysignificant lead.

The United States has warned Russia that any moves to annex Crimea would close the door todiplomacy. In a telephone conversation, the American Secretary of State John Kerry has toldhis Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that Crimea is part of Ukraine and the Moscow shouldavoid military escalation. President Obama has been discussing the deepening crisis withworld leaders. More than 50 international observers from the Organization for Security andCooperation in Europe have been turned back as they tried to enter Crimea, as in previousoccasions, they were stopped by pro-Russia paramilitaries. Ben Brown is in Sevastopol.

This was the third day running the team of international observers had tried to cross theborder into Crimea, and the third day running, they've been turned back. This time though,there were some additional menace in the air. The armed men who stopped them firedwarning burst of automatic gunfire. The fact of shots were fired, albeit as a warning, is likely tobe seen as another show of Russian defiance in Crimea and another slap in the face for theinternational community.

The Untied States says it's deeply concerned about what is described as the recent escalationof violence in the Sudanese region of Darfur. There's been no word so far from Khartoum.Here's our Africa editor Mary Harper.

In a statement, the US State Department said government-allied militias had recently burnedhomes and attacked civilians near the town of Nyala, causing thousands of people to flee. TheUS said the Sudanese air force had been involved, and urged Khatoum to stop its campaign ofaerial bombardments in Darfur. The US said the people of Darfur have suffered insecurity,violence and atrocities for far too long and that now was the time for peaceful resolution tothe violence.

World News from the BBC

The Syrian government says it's seized a town from rebels near the Lebanese border as partof its efforts to block their supply lines. Sebastian Usher reports.

Battles continue to rage across Syria, some more significant than others. That's certainly howthe Syrian government is talking up its recapture of the town of Zara. It's important to thegovernment because it's near the border with Lebanon, from where rebel fighters run vitalsupply lines for weapons and reinforcements. President Assad's supporters are trying to blockthese, and may now be closed doing so. Since last month, they've been bombarding inYabroud, some 40 kilometers south along the border. The storming of Zara maybe a foretasteof what's installed for that town's remaining residents. Opposition activists say some of thoseleft in Zara were killed in their homes.

Several thousand people have marched through the Lebanese capital Beirut to demand thepassage of law, protecting women against domestic violence. The rally coincides withInternational Women's Day. Lebanon is one of the most liberal countries in the Arab World,but there's no law protecting women from violence by their fathers, husbands or brothers.

Thousands of Venezuelan students and opposition supporters have gathered for ananti-government rally in the capital Caracas. The government has deployed thousands ofsecurity officers to prevent a planed march towards the food ministry. President NicolasMaduro said all parties were invited to take part in a dialogue for peace. But the opposition hassaid any participation will be conditional on the release of detained students. At least 21people have been killed in nearly a month of protests.

Italy has urged ArmaLite in the United States to withdraw an advertisement, showing an imageof Michelangelo's David holding a rifle. The Italian Culture Minister Dario Franceschini said thegovernment would take legal action against the company unless it immediately withdraws thecampaign. He said the image of an armed David was not only offensive but also illegal.
