英语听力精选进阶版 8079(在线收听

Coming up, Ukraine tells the UN it hopes to resolvethe crisis with Russia peacefully but warmsintervention in Crimea is unacceptable. “This isabsolutely and entirely unacceptable in the 21stcentury to resolve any kind of conflict with tanks,artillery.” Facebook’s chief Mark Zuckerberg callsPresident Obama to complain about US surveillanceof the Internet. And later, Hal Douglas one of thelast great Hollywood voiceover artists has died aged 89.


Hal Douglas, perhaps the last of great Hollywood voiceover men has died at the age of 89. Fordecades, Hal Douglas provided the deep gravelly tones for movie trailers for Man in Black,Bridget Jones’ Diary and hundreds of other films. Here is our arts correspondent VincentDowd “Hal Douglas along with the late Don LaFontaine was joint king of the Hollywood movievoiceover. For decades, he made a very good living from trailers which he admitted heimmediate forgot about until the check turned up. And there is some disagreement whetherit was Douglas or LaFontaine who died in 2008 who introduced the cliché “In a world where”which became an industry in-joke. Douglas seldom needed to go anywhere near Hollywood. Helived in Virginia and delivered his performances down the line. Fashions have changed and todayfew trailers feature a narrative voice at all. Hal Douglas who started as an actor and radioannouncer said his voice was the right pitch to cut through with the noisiest material. And hesaid for maximum gravel, the big trick was never to clear the throat before a recordingsection.” I’ll bear that in mind. Vincent Dowd on how Douglas has died aged 89.

好莱坞最后的配音大师之一——哈尔·道格拉斯去世,享年89岁。几十年来,哈尔·道格拉斯用深沉而沙哑的嗓音为数百部电影预告片配音,其中包括《黑衣人》和《BJ单身日记》等。下面是本台文艺记者文森特·多德发来的报道。“哈尔·道格拉斯和已故的唐·拉方丹被合称为好莱坞画外音之王。数十年来,道格拉斯凭借为电影预告片配音过着丰衣足食的生活。他自称配完音就忘了电影的名字,直到收到劳务费才想起来。唐·拉方丹于2008年去世,在他和道格拉斯之间谁发明了 ‘In a world where’这个惯用说法上,业界一直存在着分歧,而且一直是玩笑的话题。道格拉斯基本不需要到好莱坞工作,他住在弗吉尼亚,在家就可以完成配音。如今行情变了,预告片不再需要叙述性的声音。哈尔·道格拉斯最初是一名演员兼电台播音员,他说自己的声音中有着最嘈杂的材质,极富穿透力,为了把沙哑而深沉的声音特质发挥到极致,他在录音之前是不会清嗓子的。”前辈的经验之谈,我会铭记在心。文森特·多德报道。哈尔·道格拉斯去世,享年89岁。
