英语听力精选进阶版 8084(在线收听

Coming up, people in Crimea vote in a referendum.It’s expected to lead to the region breaking awayfrom Ukraine and joining Russia. We’ll hear from thechair from local election commission. “Thereferendum is preceding calmly and in an organizedway. And I can only add that people have beenwaiting for this for such a long time, particularly those born before 1954.” And pleas fromUkrainian politicians:“If there will be no hard response of the world, then Russia will have itshands free to intervene the territory of Ukraine further.” Also coming up, a news conferencein Malaysia on search for the missing airliner: “The search area has been significantly expanded,crossing 11 countries as well as deep and remote oceans.” And a plea from a little poorfootball club fan for more people to try classical music: “I hate, I may not know what, but Iknow what I like.”


And now to the story of the unexpected and rather shocking allegation made in Washingtonon Monday by the head of the US senate intelligence committee Dianne Feinstein. She said theCentral Intelligence Agency had improperly searched computers of congressional staff, who wereinvesting allegations that it tortured suspects during the Bush administration. “I have graveconcerns that the CIA search may well have violated the separation of powers principlesembodied in the United States constitution, including the speech and debate laws. It may haveundermined the constitutional framework, essential to effective congressional oversight ofIntelligence activities or any other government function. I have asked for an apology and arecognition that this CIA search of computers used by its oversight committee wasinappropriate. I have received neither.” Senator Feinstein said the Agency had obstructed theinvestigation, lied about its activities, and electronically remove files from the committee’scomputers.” The CIA director John Brennan strongly denied that it happened. “As far as theallegations of, you know, CIA hacking into senate computers, nothing can be further from thetruth. We wouldn't do that. I mean, that’s just beyond the scope of reason in terms of whatwe do.” The former officer Robert Bear told the BBC he was surprised Ms. Feinstein made theallegations so publicly on the floor of the Chamber.

