英语听力精选进阶版 8086(在线收听

Coming up, Ukraine says one of its soldiers has beenkilled in clashes with pro-Russian forces at a militarybase in Crimea. We’ll hear from our correspondent on the scene. Just hours after PresidentPutin signed a treaty annexing Crimea, we ask what’s in store for him and the peninsula. “It’sgoing to cost an awful lot of money to run the place. It has no natural supplies of fresh wateror natural gas. All that comes from Ukrainian mainland. There is still the problem of how to getthe Ukrainian soldiers and sailors off the peninsula.” Also in the podcast, we’ll find out aboutone of Russia’s most wanted men the Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov who’s been reporteddead. A Cairo court passes the sentence for the deaths of 37 men in detention. Relatives sayjustice has not been served. “His mother has just been, all the time, crying, you know. She hasbeen crying since the event.” In the Central African Republic, Muslims flee for their lives. Wehear some of their stories. And, Dietrich-Hemingway and a love letter that’s now for sale.


A typewritten letter from the American writer Ernest Hemingway to the German born film starMarlene Dietrich is expected to make more than 50,000 dollars when it goes out for auction onWednesday. The two had a long relationship which they claimed was “never consummated”.Alastair Leithead reports from Hollywood. “She was glamorous and talented as a singer, amusician and a movie star.” “Marlene Dietrich, sensuous, sexy, dangerous, all the things thatyou want in the movie area when who is also someone mysterious.” “One of the mostinteresting pieces up for auction is a letter written by Ernest Hemingway to Marlene Dietrich.They met on a cruise in 1934 and had a relationship that lasted for 30 years. ‘Neverconsummated’ they say. The auction will be held online. And the Hemingway letter could fetchmore than 50.000 dollars.”

