英语听力精选进阶版 8092(在线收听

Coming up, European Union leaders have signed anagreement on closer relations with Ukraine asRussia formalizes its annexation of Crimea. Ukraine’s Acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, “This is the historic day for my country and we believe this is the historic day for the entireEurope. We want to be a part of the European family.” Also in the podcast, Britain hasannounced its first prosecution for female genital mutilation after criticism that the lawprotecting women was not being inforced. And later, the son of a sex worker from Calcutta inIndia has been given the unique opportunity to go and train at Manchester United FootballClub. “This is the guy who’s never left Calcutta. He was struggling to understand why heneeded a passport to go to England.”


First then, the European Union has signed an agreement with Ukraine forging closereconomic and political ties as the crisis with Russia continues. The deal is part of theagreement that the ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych rejected in November leadingto the protests and his eventual overthrown. Ukraine’s Acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuksaid it was a great day for Ukraine. “This is the historic day for my country and we believe this isthe historic day for the entire Europe. We want to be a part of the European family. And this isthe first tremendous step in order to achieve Ukraine’s ultimate goal as a full freshmembership. My country faces a number of challenges, most economic, political and military.And signing this treaty we will show to the entire world that we are together, that Ukraineshares the European values, and that we can together be successful. We do understand thatthis is a very bumpy road, but that’s our job to deliver everything that Ukrainian people we arefighting for. ” He also said that the EU must end its dependency on Russian energy supplies,denying Moscow the opportunity to use energy as what he called ”a new nuclear weapon”. “The deal commits Ukraine and the EU to closer political and economic ties.”

