英语听力精选进阶版 8094(在线收听

Coming up, Turkey has shot down a Syrian warplane near their border accusing it of violatingTurkish airspace. We’ll hear from our correspondent in Istanbul. French satellite images of thesouthern Indian Ocean are being annalized after searches for the missing Malaysia airline’sflight. We’ll bring you that report from airbase. Also in the podcast, the commander of AfricanUnion forces in southern Somalia tells the BBC the battle against al-Shabab is being won. Andlater, “Fashions fade. Style is eternal”, not my words, but those of Yves Saint Laurent, thesubject of a new biopic. “He really gave power and freedom to women by creating masterpieces,giving them the power with new dresses, with trousers. He was a genius.”


Yves Saint Laurent became the chief designer at the fashion house Christian Dior in Paris atthe age of just 21. Until his death half century later he remained a dominant figure in fashionthough with an increasingly difficult private life. This year sees two feature films releasedabout Yves Saint Laurent’s life and career. Our arts correspondent Vincent Dowd has been tosee the first. “ ‘Don’t you think you are too young?’ In 1957 it was an obvious question withChristian Dior dead and Yves Saint Laurent suddenly running a famous fashion house.” “I’m JalilLespert, director of Yves Saint Laurent. He had a kind of revolutionary vision of fashion andwoman. He had a kind of purity.” “At first, Saint Laurent maintained many Dior traditions inFrance and elsewhere. But Yves could see the rebel spirit of 1960s would change women’sfashion.” “He really gave freedom and power to women by creating masterpieces, giving themthe power with new dresses, with trousers. He was a genius.”

