英语听力精选进阶版 8120(在线收听

70 years ago today during the Second World War, 200 people trie to get out of a German prison campin Poland. You may know their efforts as they wereportrayed in The Great Escape movie. That was theThe Great Escape movie made by MGM but there wasnot a happy ending. Of the 76 who got through thetunnel, only 3 escaped. 50 were captured and executed. Andre Wiseman was sent to the campjust after the escape took place.


“Well, when I arrived at the camp, the camp was in a state of shock, disbelief. After the greatescape relations between us and the Germans changed. The camp could not believe what theGermans had done to the 50. And there was shock, horror almost and a great deal ofsadness.”


Well, today Andre Wiseman has been attending a commemorative service in Poland. And justbefore the ceremony got underway, as it was raining heavily, he told the BBC’s Ross Atkinsabout the escape bid and today’s commemoration events.


I’m standing in a forest in Poland where couple of hours’ drive down the motor way from Berlinjust across the border. This forest once upon a time was cleared. Exactly 70 years ago, after18 months of planning the prisoners tried to get out of that camp through a 100-meter longtunnel they dug through the soft sand underneath the forest to the edge of the trees. Andduring that attempt, 76 of them managed to make their way down the tunnel and out.However, as we now know, only 3 made it to safety. 50 were later executed by the Gestapo.


Yes, it’s not the best weather for this act of commemoration considering we have elderlyveterans in their 90s here. They remember the tension in the camp. They remember thepreparations and they remember the news beginning to come in that 50 of their friends andcolleagues would not be returning. There are relatives here from around the world. This isprobably the last big commemoration to which veterans will be able to travel.

