英语听力精选进阶版 8137(在线收听

We move to Africa now. And a child bride in northern Nigeria has admitted killing her husband just a week after she was married. She said she was forced to marry a 35-year old. And she apparently put rat poison in the food that was sharing at a family dinner.


I spoke with the spokesperson of northern Nigeria. Actually 14 people ate the meal. 4 people died. And 10 people are now hospitalized. The young bride confessed that she did carry out the act by putting rat poison into the food. And she said that she didn't love the man. She was forced into that marriage and decided to do what she did.


What could happen to her now that she’s admitted killing her husband and other family members?


They said she has confessed. And they would charge her to court. And she would be charged with murder.


Are there juvenile detention centers for under-18’s charge with crimes in Nigeria?


Well, officially there are, but functionally you don’t find them. And there are no juvenile courts, but there are juvenile detention centers. These things are official but they are very few in some parts of the country not everywhere. But I know that things like this when young people are being accused of or found guilty of doing something, they are held in a detention camp until they attain adulthood before they’ll be transferred to the prison.


The global chemical weapon’s watch dog says time is quickly running out for Syria to hand over its poisonous gas stocks before a deadline at the end of the month. The agency says it’s received just over a half of the 1200 tons of chemical armaments which were declared by Damascus. Many of these will be destroyed onboard an American ship, which has been specially adapted for the task. Our security correspondent is Frank Gardner. And he was given access to the ship in southern Spain.


“We receive the Syrian chemicals.” No country wanted to take Syria’s toxic stocks of mustard gas and chemical precursors. But time is running out. Under a UN approved deal, Syria is supposed to have handed over all its dangerous chemicals by April 27th. But nearly half of them are still inside the country. The spokesman for the Organization for the Probation of Chemical Weapons Michael Luhan says everything is now up to the authorities in Damascus.

