
 One morning we caught a squirrel. 有天早上 我们抓到了一只松鼠

The guy told me this would happen,a squirrel could get in there.If it does,just let it go. 那家伙跟我说过会发生这种事 松鼠会落入陷阱 如果抓到松鼠 就直接放生
I went to go take the squirrel out.something was wrong with the squirrel. 我过去想把松鼠放出来 那松鼠有点不对劲
I don't know what was going on,foamint at the mouth. 我不知道是怎么回事 它在口吐白沫
I'm not letting this out.My luck,I let it out,this thing is all over me. 我可不要放他出来 就凭我这运气 如果放它出来 它会在我身上乱窜
I'm not fighting a squirrel on a Tuesday morning at 7:30.So I give my wife a 20. 我可不要在周二早上七点半大战松鼠 于是我给了老婆20块钱
I tell her to go across the street.There is a Mexican gardener across the street. 我让她到街对面去 街对面有个墨西哥园丁
Mexicans they're not scared with anything. 墨西哥人啥都不怕
They'll come over with their bare hands,get it out and throw it down the sidewalk. 他们会赤手空拳跑过来 把松鼠弄出来 扔到人行道上
So 10 minutes goes by and she calls me from the driveway. 十分钟过去了 她从车道上喊我
She has three Mexican gardeners with her.Come here,come here,come here. 她带来了三个墨西哥园丁 过来 过来 过来
The whole reason for you to go do this was to act like you were home alone and you didn't want to let the squirrel out. 我让你这么做的原因 就是想让你装作独自在家 你不想自己动手把松鼠放出来
Now I got to look three grown men in the eye,the squirrel is here. 而现在我要看着三个成年人的眼睛说 松鼠在这里
We're trying to scare it,it's foaming at the mouth,can you do it? 我们在吓唬它 它口吐白沫了 你们能把它弄出来吗
You guys have been great,happy holidays! 你们非常配合 圣诞快乐