
 A surgeon in California accidentally removed a prison inmate's wrong kidney. 加州一名外科医师 不小心切错了一名犯人的肾脏

Either that or a kidney just pulled off the most amazing prison escape in history. 要么 就是那颗肾完成了史上最赞的越狱
Think about it,Think about it,Think about it. 好好想想啊
The kidney is like,take the right one,yeah.I'm out of here!Drove away. 那颗肾说 摘右边那颗啦 我走喽 开车逃了
In Britain,that's right,in Britain,that's where we are now in monologue,In Britain, 英国 独白说到那儿了 在英国
I travel wherever I wish. 我想去哪去哪
In Britain,it's now illegal to view bondage porn.It's illegal,yeah. 英国现在把看捆绑黄片列为非法 非法的
And if you're caught,you will be led away with no handcuffs.Thank you. 如果你被发现了 警方不会用手铐带走你 谢谢
Thank you very much.I heard some boos in there but I don't care. 非常感谢 似乎有些嘘声 但我不在意
A man in Cleveland proposed to his fiancee with the help of an elaborate Christmas-themed musical performance.See that sweet. 克利夫兰一男子用精心编排的圣诞主题音乐剧表演向女友求婚 多棒啊
yeah,the woman said,no thanks,you're clearly gay.True story. 女友说还是免了 你显然是基佬 真的
I want to mention something that's getting a lot of attention. 我想提一件颇受关注的事
Discovery channel,you all watch the discovery channel? 大家看探索频道吗
Ok,don't worry,I can add applause later. 没事 回头编辑时我再加上掌声
Oh,man,only we could.That would be great. 如果真能就好了