
 Kate, on the other hand, "has maneuvered herself in a different way," says the palace insider, "but she is still strong." 另一方面,凯特“以一种不同的方式生活,”皇室内部人士说,“但她仍然很坚强。”

Raised in the English countryside by entrepreneurs Carole and Mike Middleton, Kate is acutely aware of her role as the future Queen—and she is also immersed in her life as a mother to Prince George, 5, Princess Charlotte, 3, and Prince Louis, 8 months. 凯特在英国乡下由企业家卡罗尔·米德尔顿和迈克·米德尔顿夫妇抚养长大,她十分清楚自己作为未来女王的角色——同时,作为5岁的乔治王子、3岁的夏洛特公主和8个月大的路易斯王子的母亲,她也沉浸在自己的生活中。
William and Kate "have created their own nest, and they are confident in what they're doing," says the insider. 知情人士称,威廉和凯特“已经建立了自己的巢穴,他们对自己正在做的事情很有信心”。
Asked by a fan on Nov. 28 about Meghan and Harry's upcoming arrival, Kate said, "It's such a special time to have little kiddies. And a cousin for George and Charlotte, as well, and Louis. It'll be really special." 11月28日,当被一位粉丝问及梅根和哈里即将到来的消息时,凯特说:“迎来可爱的孩子们,那是一个非常特别的时刻。还有乔治、夏洛特和路易斯的表妹。这将是非常特别的。”
Several sources say that although the focus has been on Meghan's recent challenges, Harry is struggling too. 几位消息人士说,虽然大家都在关注梅根最近面临的挑战,但哈利也在苦苦挣扎。
"Harry doesn't have his own structure like William, whose role as the future King is clear--cut and defined," says the insider. 知情人士称:“哈里王子不像威廉王子那样有自己的安排,威廉王子作为未来国王的角色非常明确。”
"Harry's isn't." Harry has been standoffish and "really grumpy" lately, says a well-connected source. “哈利不是。”据一位消息灵通人士透露,哈里最近一直很冷淡,而且“脾气真的很暴躁”。
"Something has changed, and no one can quite put their finger on it. He looks cross with the world." “有些事已经变了,没有人能确切地指出来。他看起来很不高兴。”
Historically the "spare" to the heir—including the Queen's younger sister Princess Margaret—can struggle to find a sense of purpose. 从历史上看,包括女王的妹妹玛格丽特公主在内的“富余”继承人很难找到一种使命感。
"Harry doesn't want to be the Margaret of the family," says the insider, "and certainly Meghan doesn't want to either. They want to do their own thing. And to do that, you need to be away sometimes." “哈里不想成为家里的玛格丽特,”知情人说,“梅根当然也不想。他们想做自己的事情。要做到这一点,你有时需要离开。”
Moving forward Meghan plans to carve out a role with various organizations supporting women's and girls' empowerment. 梅根计划在支持妇女和女童赋权的各种组织中发挥作用。
Kate will advance her work with Heads Together, the initiative she cofounded with William and Harry to destigmatize mental health issues in the U.K. "Kate's brilliant at her job, and Meghan will be too," says the family friend. 凯特将推进Heads Together的工作。这是她与威廉王子和哈里王子共同发起的一项旨在消除英国心理健康问题的活动。“凯特在工作上很出色,梅根也会的,”这位家族朋友说。
While the foursome will continue to team up for their charitable work and various family occasions—including Christmas with the Queen at her estate in Sandringham—many close to the two couples say a shift in family dynamics was always inevitable when Harry eventually married. 虽然四人将继续合作慈善事业,共同参加各种家庭活动——包括与女王在桑德灵厄姆的庄园共度圣诞节——但许多这两对夫妇的亲密朋友表示,哈里王子结婚后,家庭动态的转变总是不可避免的。
"Wives do change the dynamic, and they both have very strong wives," says the palace insider. “妻子确实会改变动态,而且他们的妻子都非常强势,”这位王室内部人士表示。
"If you bring two independent-minded women from the real world into the royal world, they are going to want to have an impact." “如果你把两个有独立思想的女性从现实世界带到皇家世界,她们就会想要产生影响。”
And if that means ruffling some feathers among the palace establishment? "Some feathers need to be ruffled. "如果这意味着在皇宫内引发骚动呢?“有时需要骚动。”