科学美国人60秒 SSS 鲨鱼(在线收听

Sharks aren't typically thought of as vegetarians. Or even omnivores. But about 10 years ago, scientists documented a dainty relative of the hammerhead shark, known as a bonnethead shark, consuming copious amounts of seagrass.

锤头鲨通常不被认为是素食主义者。甚至是杂食动物。但大约10年前,科学家记录了锤头鲨(又称bonnethead shark)的一种精致的近亲,它消耗了大量的海草。

"A lot of people kind of just thought they were consuming it incidentally, after going after crabs and squid and other little invertebrates that live in the seagrass meadows." Samantha Leigh, a PhD candidate at the University of California, Irvine. "So everyone thought they were kind of just passing it through their system and not really getting anything from it."

“很多人都认为他们只是顺便吃了它,在追赶螃蟹、乌贼和其他生活在海草草原上的无脊椎动物之后。”萨曼莎·利(Samantha Leigh)是加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine)的博士生。“所以每个人都认为他们只是在通过他们的系统传递信息,并没有从中得到任何东西。”

So Leigh and her colleagues hauled five of the small sharks back to a Florida lab, and put them on a three-week diet: 90 percent seagrass, 10 percent squid. And analyzed the digestibility of that diet. Turns out, the sharks actually put on pounds, and were able to digest the seagrass just as well as young green sea turtles do.


"It seems like even though the bonnethead shark has what scientists would deem a carnivorous gut, they are definitely acting like omnivores. So there's probably something going on, on probably a microbial level, that's helping them break down this seagrass."The full nutrition info is in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.


The study also gives coastal ecosystem managers something new to chew on: these sharks are like lawnmowers, trimming the seagrass, digesting it, and, yes, recycling it. "So they likely play more of a stabilizing role in food web dynamics. They're not a top apex predator. And they're probably playing a large role in nutrient transport in those seagrass meadow ecosystems as well." As for whether we might convince more sharks to have a side salad with dinner? "I don't know that we'll be able to do that anytime soon."

