英语听力精选进阶版 8151(在线收听

President Obama has arrived in Japan at the beginning of an Asian tour in which US allies are looking for assurances in their terrotorial disputes with China. In an interview with a Japanese newspaper, President Obama said the US would oppose any attempt to undermine Japan's administration of the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea. The Chinese Foreign Ministry was quick to object, saying the US should keep its promise not to take sides in the dispute. President Obama will have dinner with the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and hold further discussions on Thursday.

日前,美国总统奥巴马抵达日本,开始了亚洲之旅的第一站。此次 亚洲之旅期间,美国盟友将在与中国的领土纷争方面寻求美国支持。奥巴马在接受日本一家报纸采访时说,美国将反对任何破坏日本对中国东海岛屿钓鱼岛进行治理 的行为。对此,中国外交部迅速进行反对,指出美国应该信守不站队承诺。周四,奥巴马将与日本首相安倍晋三共进晚餐,展开深入讨论。

Well, I'm not entire sure because all the international relationship is changing today. And the Japanese constitution, if you read the constitution itself, it is sort of extremely pacifist. Therefore, I think there is a need for Japan to adjust the constitution to the need of the world. For instance, Japan just passed peacekeeping operations, but yet their use of weapons is extremely limited. It doesn't make much sense for the peacekeeping operations which has been decided by the United Nations. So there is indeed a need for and an adjustment to the constitution. But at the same time, there is a perception in foreign countries that Prime Minister Abe is nationalist, conservative. Therefore, there has been some misunderstanding. I think in substance, what Prime Minister Abe is pursuing is not that extreme. I think this is more or less adjusting everything to the need of the day.

我对现在的情 况不太确定,因为所有的国际关系都在发生变化。如果你读过日本的宪法,你会发现它带有极强的和平主义色彩。因此,我认为日本有必要根据世界的需要调整宪 法。例如,日本采取过维和行动,但是使用武器是极受限制的。这不太符合联合国发出的维和行动的主旨。所以,日本宪法确实有修整的必要。但与此同时,有其他 国家认为日本首先安倍是民族主义者,是保守派。这都是误解。我认为,实质上,安倍首相所追求得没有那么极端。他的所作所为只不过是针对现代社会需要进行的 调整。

Let's talk about China. President Obama is not visiting China on this trip. But of course, the relationship between the US and Beijing is critical, not least in the context of the region where the Eastern South China Seas are potential flashpoints for conflict. What's the view from Tokyo with regard to that ?


I think there is strong concerns on the part of Japan that China may be using its physical force to change the status quo of the day. Unilateral measures are being introduced by China in relation to South China Sea, East China Sea.

