
 Ah, well, depends on the -- Google appealed the case. 呃,是根据...谷歌上诉了。

The case is going to court. It will last a while. 所以这个案子会上法庭。会花一些时间。
Earlier, last year, you asked Apple to pay 13 billion in back taxes, and you have also investigated other companies, 去年早些时候,您向苹果索取130亿的退税,您也调查了其他公司,
including European and Russian companies, not only American companies, by far. 包括欧洲和俄罗斯的公司,不单只有美国的公司。
Yet the investigations against the American companies are the ones that have attracted the most attention 然而,针对美国公司的调查最引人注目,
and they have also attracted some accusations. 同时也引来一些指控。
You have been accused, essentially, of protectionism, of jealousy, 您被指控施行保护主义、嫉妒,
or using legislation to hit back at American companies that have conquered European markets. 以法律来攻击征服欧洲市场的美国公司。
"The Economist" just this week on the front page writes, "Vestager Versus The Valley." How do you react to that? 《经济学人》本周的头版写道“韦斯塔格尔vs硅谷”。您如何回应?
Well, first of all, I take it very seriously, because bias has no room in law enforcement. 首先,我很严肃看待这事,因为执法是容不下偏见的。
We have to prove our cases with the evidence and the facts and the jurisprudence in order also to present it to the courts. 我们必须以证据、事实和法律体系来证明我们的案子,以便陈给法庭。
The second thing is that Europe is open for business, but not for tax evasion. 第二,欧洲是开放市场,而不是避税所。
The thing is that we are changing, and for instance, 重点是,我们不断在改变,举个例子,
when I ask my daughters -- they use Google as well -- "Why do you do that?" 我问我女儿--她们也用谷歌--“你们为什么用它?”
They say, "Well, because it works. It's a very good product." 她们说,“因为它好用啊,是很好的产品。”
They would never, ever, come up with the answer, "It's because it's a US product." 她们不会这样回答:“因为这是美国的产品”。
It's just because it works. And that is of course how it should be. 只是因为这个产品好用。当然,原本就该是这样的。
But just the same, it is important that someone is looking after to say, 同样的,关注你的人说以下的话也很重要,
"Well, we congratulate you while you grow and grow and grow, “当你不断成长时我们恭喜你,
but congratulation stops if we find that you're misusing your position to harm competitors so that they cannot serve consumers." 但若我们发现你利用职权去伤害其他竞争者,不让他们服务消费者时,恭贺就会停止。”
It will be a fascinating case to follow. Thank you for coming to TED. It was a pleasure. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. 这会是个有趣的例子。谢谢您来TED演讲。这是我的荣幸。非常感谢。谢谢。