早安英文 第430期:喝汤的喝到底该用drink还是eat?(在线收听

 drink soup (喝汤,清汤)
eat porridge (喝粥,粥的浓度高密度大)
save money 省钱
deposit money (deposit some money in the bank) 存钱
thick soup 浓汤
thick tea 浓茶
weak tea 淡茶
strong alcohol 烈酒
play the flute 吹长笛
play the piano 弹钢琴
play the trumpet 吹喇叭
play the drum 打鼓
wear a hat 戴帽子
wear glasses 戴眼镜
wear gloves 戴手套
wear sun screen 擦防晒霜
wear make up 化妆



不说spread perfume, 说wear perfume.
不说raise an application. 虽然中文是“提出申请”。说 file / make / send in / submit an application.
不说blow a flute. 所有乐器都用play.
不说rush a plane, 而说 have a plane to catch.
Hurry up! We've got a plane to catch!
Sorry, I have to go catch a plane. I need to leave now.
