英语听力精选进阶版 8214(在线收听

Now several families of those on board the Malaysian Airline's flight MH 370 which went missing three months ago on March 8th have launched a campaign to raise five million dollars for anyone who can resolve the mistery of the plane's disappearance. They plan to raise the money through Indiegogo, the crowd funding website which gathers money through contributions from the members of the public. The campaign is called Reward MH 370. The man behind it is Ethan Hunt a technology company chief. And I spoke to him in Hong Kong just before we recorded this podcast.


We believe that the search hasn't produced any results for three months and somewhere somebody knows the answers to what happened to the flight and possibly where the flight is. So what we want to do is raise the reward so that we can get those answers.


But what makes you so convinced that someone does have that information?


I think that the target person that has the information is Edward Snowden or somebody who has links to a terrorist organization perhaps. And they would want that type of money to come forward. And you've been quite comfortable whoever you have to give that money to? You'll be happy handing the money over to them in exchange for the information that the families want?


I don't think that anybody would argue that providing we got the answers, the passengers were found and that travel in the future were safe again. I think there wouldn't be any argument abut that. And I have absolutely no problem with it.


Why have you personally decided to get involved? What's your connection with the people that you are now trying to help?


I travel regularly myself. And I'm a concerned person. I'm concerned that air travel is not safe. I believe that the families deserve to have the love ones back and I believe the passengers deserve justice for the situation that's occurred.


And how many of the families have you been in touch with? How many of them if you like do you represent?


I have personal relationship with five of them. I've certainly been in touch with a lot of them. And there is several different organizations that they are a part of. Voice 370 is one of them. And I've made it clear to them what we are planning to do.

我和5个家庭保持着联系,当然我接触过很多家庭。他们加入了几个不同的组织,其中就有Voice 370。我已经向他们表明了我们计划做的事。

Exactly where is the money going to come from? How is that gonna work?


We've put this to Indiegogo and we have their full support. And what will happen is that the campaign will kick off in about 40 minutes. And people, it will be like a normal crowd funding campaign, making their contribution that will assist us to get to our target of five million dollars for the reward. Ethan Hunt, the man behind Reward MH 370 with me from Hong Kong.

我们把这个任务交给了Indiegogo 网站,得到了他们的全力支持。40分钟后,筹资就正式开始了。它和正常的筹资程序一样,大家的捐款将会帮助我们筹集到500万美元的奖金。以上是我在香港对“悬赏MH 370”发起者伊森·亨特的采访。
