英语听力精选进阶版 8234(在线收听

Islamic militants are on the move in northeast Nigeria. It’s rare footage of the group Boko Haram. Insurgents filmed that there’re some cells, the target, the main military barracks in Maiduguri. 


There was a firefight with the Nigerian army, the Boko Haram managed to breach the barracks. They then burst open the cells and set many suspected Islamic militants free. 


And that’s where the Boko Haram video ends. The Nigerian military says the attacks were successfully repelled and many of the retreating Islamic fighters were killed by the air force and by ground troops in the city of Maiduguri. Vigilante groups killed many of those who escaped from the cell. We will never know exactly how many people die that day. Some hospital sources said they’ve received about 100 bodies, others said more than 500 people died.


Their elusive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi celebrated the raid and pledged more violence. The Mandara Mountain,close to the border with Cameron, this footage was taken a few years ago that these days Boko Harams fighters had set up base in parts of this mountain range. 


I meet a cattle herder who recently fled the area due to the insecurity there. He said that last year he offered to guide the Nigerian army to Boko Haram hideouts in the mountains.


As soon as we began climbing up, Boko Harams started firing down on us. 


They regroup, but he said the local chief ensured that the Islamic militants will meet on the mission to foil the whole operation. 


The soldiers all met in the village of Dreamy, and then suddenly a civilian defense force came to join us. But I could see that there’re Boko Haram members among that group. I pointed them out to the soldiers.


For how do you know they are Boko Haram?


We all lived in the same area. I know their faces. I grew up with them. My younger brother is even a Boko Harams commander.


Islamist militants clearly get good intelligence for I got learnt from a young woman who escaped from captivity.


Sometimes people would tell them that the army was coming and I would seem happy thinking I will be freed. Then Boko Harma hided in the mountain cave, others run. When they were in the cave they were safe and nothing could happen to them.


To stop these attacks the army will have to flush the Islamic militants out the mountain hideouts. But with Boko Haram members enmeshed in the communities across northeastern Nigeria, winning this war, it is a daunting task.


Will Ross, BBC News, Lagos.

Islamic militants are on the move in northeast Nigeria. It’s rare footage of the group Boko Haram. Insurgents filmed that there’re some cells, the target, the main military barracks in Maiduguri. 

There was a firefight with the Nigerian army, the Boko Haram managed to breach the barracks. They then burst open the cells and set many suspected Islamic militants free. 

And that’s where the Boko Haram video ends. The Nigerian military says the attacks were successfully repelled and many of the retreating Islamic fighters were killed by the air force and by ground troops in the city of Maiduguri. Vigilante groups killed many of those who escaped from the cell. We will never know exactly how many people die that day. Some hospital sources said they’ve received about 100 bodies, others said more than 500 people died.

Their elusive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi celebrated the raid and pledged more violence. The Mandara Mountain is close to the border with Cameron, this footage was taken a few years ago that these days Boko Harams fighters had set up base in parts of this mountain range. 

I meet a cattle herder who recently fled the area due to the insecurity there. He said that last year he offered to guide the Nigerian army to Boko Haram hideouts in the mountains.

As soon as we began climbing up, Boko Harams started firing down on us 

They regroup, but he said the local chief ensured that the Islamic militants will meet on the mission to foil the whole operation. 

The soldiers all met in the village of Dreamy, and then suddenly a civilian defense force came to join us. But I could see that there’re Boko Haram members among that group. I pointed them out to the soldiers.

For how do you know they are Boko Haram?

We all lived in the same area. I know their faces. I grew up with them. My younger brother is even a Boko Harams commander.

Islamist militants clearly get good intelligence for I got learnt from a young woman who escaped from captivity.

Sometimes people would tell them that the army was coming and I would seem happy thinking I will be freed. Then Boko Harma hided in the mountain cave, others run. When they were in the cave they were safe and nothing could happen to them.

To stop these attacks the army will have to flush the Islamic militants out the mountain hideouts. But with Boko Haram members enmeshed in the communities across northeastern Nigeria, winning this war, it is a daunting task.
