美国语文第六册 第103期:拿破仑·波拿巴的性格(3)(在线收听

 It mattered little whether in the field, or in the drawing-room; 这与是否在野外写生或者在画室里没什么关系;

with the mob, or the levee; wearing the Jacobin bonnet, or the iron crown; banishing a Braganza, or espousing a Hapsburg; 不论那些暴民还是早上等着觐见他的人,不论戴着雅各宾式的帽子,还是戴着王冠的人。驱逐一个布拉甘扎,又支持哈布斯堡王朝(欧洲最古老的王室家族);
dictating peace on a raft to the Czar of Russia, or contemplating defeat at the gallows of Leipsic he was still the same military despot. 在去接俄国沙皇的木筏上信誓旦旦地要和平,结果脑子里却考虑着打破套在他同样实行军事专制的莱比锡头上的枷锁。
In this wonderful combination, his affectations of literature must not be omitted. 要深入讨论这个奇妙的复合体,他对文学的热爱不能略而不述。
The jailer of the press, he affected the patronage of letters; the proscriber of books, he encouraged philosophy; 作为新闻出版业的监狱看守,他假装热心支持文学创作;作为书籍的排斥者,他却鼓励哲学研究。
the persecutor of authors, and the murderer of printers, he yet pretended to the protection of learning; 作为扼杀作家的刽子手和出版商的谋杀凶手,他却摆出一副保护知识的面孔。
the assassin of Palm, the silencer of De Stael, and the denouncer of Kotzebue, 作为杀害帕尔姆的罪魁祸首,德·斯塔尔恶性的抹杀者和科茨布的公开指责者,
he was the friend of David, the benefactor of De Lille, and sent his academic prize to the philosopher of England. 他却成了大卫的朋友,德·里尔的恩人,将他的学术奖颁给了英格兰的哲学家。
Such a medley of contradictions, and, at the same time, such an individual consistency, were never united in the same character. 像这样一位矛盾的混合体,与此同时又保持独特的连贯性的人,绝对不会融合同样的性格。
A royalist, a republican, and an emperor; a Mohammedan, a Catholic, and a patron of the synagogue; a subaltern and a sovereign; 一位保皇主义者,一位共和主义者,同时又是一位皇帝;一位伊斯兰教徒,一位天主教徒,同时又是犹太教堂的赞助者;一位中尉,同时又是一位君主;
a traitor and a tyrant; a Christian and an infidel; he was, through all his vicissitudes, the same stern, impatient, inflexible original; 一个叛徒,又是一位暴君;一位基督教徒,同时又是一位异教徒;透过他的所有兴衰荣辱来看,他原本是个严厉、急躁和坚定不移的人。
the same mysterious, incomprehensible self; the man without a model, and without a shadow. 一个同样神秘和难以理解的自我。这是一个无法效仿的人,一个没有影子的人。