英语听力精选进阶版 8312(在线收听

The United Nations Security Council chaired by President Obama has unanimously approved a resolution enshrining the commitment of member states to halt the flow of foreign jihadists to Iraq and Syria. Mr. Obama said the resolution establishing new obligations that nations must meet to prevent the recruitment or financing of foreign Jihadists.


The words spoken here today must be matched and translated into action, into deeds, concrete action within nations and between them not just in the days ahead but for years to come. For if there was ever a challenge in our inner-connected world that can not be met by one nation alone, it is this terrorists crossing borders and threatening to unleash unspeakable violence these terrorists believe our countries will be unable to stop them; the safety of our citizens demand that we do.


The British Prime Minister David Cameron told the meeting that the poisonous ideology of extremism at the root of the threat must be defeated. He said it was becoming clear that jihadists were also influenced by preachers whose world view could be used as a justification for violence.


The peddling of lies, the idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world, is a deliberate act of Western policy, the concept of inevitable clash of civilization. We must be clear that to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism not just violent extremism.


Some news just in. The Pentagon says further airstrikes against the Islamic State militants are underway in Syria. A spokesman said more operation details would be released later.


France has confirmed that Islamist militants have murdered a tourist they were holding in Algeria. The jihadists-linked group, calling itself the Islamic State, had earlier released a video showing Herve Gourdel being beheaded. President Hollande described the decapitation as a barbaric act.

法国已经证实,伊斯兰恐怖组织谋杀了在阿尔及利亚逮捕的一名游客。圣战组织分支,自称为伊斯兰国的组织,早些时候发布一个视频称Herve Gourdel被斩首。奥朗德总统称这种行为是一种野蛮粗暴的行为。

The International Criminal Court has opened a formal investigation into war crime and crimes against humanity allegedly perpetrated in the Central African Republic during months of sectarian violence. The ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said independent research showed atrocities have been committed on both sides.

国际刑事法院在经过几个月宗教暴力之后对中非共和国展开了战争罪和反人类罪行为调查。ICC检察官Fatou Bensouda称此次调查表明该国已经同时犯下两种罪名。

The information available provides a reasonable basis to believe that both the Seleka and the anti-Balaka groups have committed crimes against humanity and war crimes including murder, rape, forced displacement, persecution, pillaging, attacks against humanitarian missions, and the use of children under 15 in combats.


BBC News.


The International Federation of the Red Cross has said a team of health workers were attacked on Tuesday in southeastern Guinea while collecting bodies believed to be infected with Ebola. One Red Cross worker is recovering after being wounded in the neck in Tuesday's attack. According to a local resident, family members of the dead initially set upon six volunteers, vandalised their cars, and then a crowd threw rocks at them.


Nigerian military officials say more than 260 members of the Islamist group Boko Haram have surrendered in the northeast of the country. They say about half of them are being interrogated after surrendering in two different areas. Here's our Nigeria correspondent Will Ross.

尼日利亚军方官员称大约有260多名伊斯兰组织博科圣地成员在该国家东北部地区投降。他们说大约有一半的人投降之后正在两个不同的地方接受审讯。本台记者尼日利亚通讯员Will Ross报道。

This has never happened before in the war against Boko Haram; and although impossible to verify, the military is seeing it as a turning point. A military spokesman also said after an intense battle it had killed the man who has been featuring in Boko Haram's propaganda videos pretending to be the group's leader Abubakar Shekau. The spokesman said the real Abubakar Shekau died a long time ago and the eccentric bearded man in the videos was actually an impostor called Mohammed Bashir.

这种事情自与博科圣地组织交战以来从来没有发生过,虽然无法证实这一说法的真实性,但是此次军事冲突似乎遇到了一个转折点。一名军方发言人称在经过激烈交战以后,曾在视频中加成自己为该组织领导人Abubakar Shekau已经被击毙。发言人称真正的Abubakar Shekau已经在很长时间之前死亡,而视频中有胡子的奇怪男子为冒名顶替者Mohammed Bashir。

The Mexican authorities said a Federal politician from the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party has been killed. Deputy Gabriel Gomez Michel was driving to the airport in the western state of Jalisco when his car was caught in camera being intercepted by several vehicles. His charred remains and those of his assistants were found a day later.


NATO says there has been a significant withdrawal of Russian conventional troops from inside eastern Ukraine although many thousands remain just over the border. Moscow has never acknowledged the presence of any Russian troops in Ukraine. President Obama promised to lift sanctions if Moscow worked through diplomatic means to secure a lasting peace.

