英语听力精选进阶版 8393(在线收听

President Obama says his administration is going to review whether to restore North Korea to its list of State sponsor of terrorism after blaming Pyangyang for a cyber attack on the US firm Sony Picture entertainment. In an interview with CNN, Mr. Obama said he would implement a suitable response to the hacking.


“I don’t think it was an act of war, I think it was an act of cyber-vandalism that is very costly and very expensive. We take it very seriously. We will respond proportionally, as I said, we are gonna be in this environment in this new world where so much is digitalized that both state and non-state actors are gonna have the capacity to disrupt our lives in all sort of ways.”


The Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani has gone to Mount Sinjar to congratulate his fighters on breaking a long siege by Islamic State group. The offensive by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters was launched last week. Mr. Barzani said the fighters were now intensifying their efforts to recapture the town in Sinjar, below the mountain. Jim Muir reports.

伊拉克库尔德领导人 Massoud Barzani已经前往辛加尔山对其士兵突破伊斯兰武装分子防线表示祝贺。这一激战由自由战士在上周发起。Barzani说自由战士现在正在努力夺回山下的辛加尔镇。下面是本台记者发回的报道。

“Tour in the strategic mountain top of Sinjar where his Kurdish Peshmerga forces have now regained control, President Barzani said recapturing the town of Sinjar was not originally part of the battle plan, but Kurdish troops have penetrated deep into the town which lies to the south of the mountain. Heavy fighting is going on there. But Mr. Barzani vowed the crush the militants wherever they could be found. The Kurdish advance has broken the IS siege imposed on thousands of minority Yazidis trapped for months on the mountain. Supply convoys are now able to get through.”


Counting is taking place after voting closed in the Tunisian Presidential election, seen as a culmination of the country’s political transition following the Arab Spring uprising there almost four years ago. National television said early exit poll suggest that 88-year-old Beji Caid Essebsi is expected to win the poll. Turnout was lower than expected, as Naveena Kottoor reports from Tunis. 

突尼斯总统大选投票计数工作已经展开,被视为自四年前阿拉伯之春之后该国家政治过渡高潮。国家电视台表示据早期民意调查结果显示,88岁的Beji Caid Essebsi有望赢得选举。但结果显示其投票率并没有达到预期值。

“It has been a very long election period, we have parliamentary elections here in October. And the first round of presidential election is in November, this was the third election in three months. So I think that explains why we are seeing lower turnout figures than people may have hoped for. Early days yet but both candidates have given the press conference and have said that they would accept the results. One of them, Beji Caid Essebsi, the 88-year-old leader of the Nidaa Tounes Party here has already claimed victory but I think we should wait until we have official election results.”

选举过程非常漫长,在十月份就开始了议会选举。十一月份举行第一轮总统选举,这是三个月以来第三轮选举。所以我认为这完全诠释了为什么我们看到了比人们预期要低的投票率。早些时候两位候选人都在新闻发布会上发表讲话,并表示无论结果怎样都会接受。其中88岁的Beji Caid Essebsi世俗派突尼斯呼声党政党领导人已经宣称自己胜出,但是我认为结果要等到官方选举结果公布才能见分晓。

Votes have been tallied in Liberia where Senate elections were held on Saturday despite the Ebola outbreak. In the capital Monrovia, the former football star George Weah has taken an early lead against the son of the Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Although strict health precautions were in place, turnout was low due to concerns about Ebola.

周六利比亚参议院选票计数结果已经得出,在首都蒙罗维亚,前足球明星George Weah抢占先机领先利比亚总统儿子Ellen Johnson Sirleaf。尽管卫生措施做得很到位,但是大多数人还是担心埃博拉疫情没能进行投票导致投票率过低。

World News from the BBC


The Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan says police have arrested a number of suspects in connection with a recent attack on a school in Peshawar that left more than 140 people dead, nearly all of them children. On Sunday, thousands of Pakistanis visited the army run institution to mourn those killed. The Minister declined to give further details of further arrested. 


Those suspects have been taken into custody. Cryingly allow me not to divulge either the number or their identities. But quite a few suspects who’ve facilitate us in some day or other. And the interrogation is moving ahead in a very positive manner. Kindly wait for just a few days before we reveal the details, because there are still certain arrests have been made as a reserve of them from all over the country.


There has been widespread condemnation at the killing of two New York police officers who were shot dead in their patrol car on Saturday. The authorities say that before the killings the gunman announced his plans online as retaliation for the death of Eric Garner, a black man who died whey white police officers tried to arrest him for selling untaxed cigarettes. The civil rights campaigner Al Sharpton said police misconduct cannot be tackled by people taking things into their own hands.

关于周六纽约两名警察在巡逻车上被击毙的传闻已经被广泛传播。当局称在枪手袭击警察之前曾在线宣布其计划是对白人警察因黑人埃里克加纳涉嫌出售未加税香烟进行报复。民权活动家Al Sharpton称民众靠自己不能够解决警方行为不当问题。

One of the best-known entertainers of the German-speaking world Udo Juergens has died at the age of 80, just two weeks after his last concert. Udo's career spanning half a century. The Austrian born Juergens sold more than 100 million records.

德国界最著名艺人之一的Udo Juergens 乌多 尤尔根斯去世,享年80岁,而仅仅在两周之后是原计划将要举办的最后一次演唱会。乌多音乐生涯跨越了半个世纪之久。出生于奥地利的尤尔根斯卖出了超过10000万美元记录。

A court in Argentina has decided to recognize that an orangutan, who's spent the last twenty years in the Buenos Aires Zoo, was a creature who had feelings, and therefore should be allowed to live in greater freedom. In an unprecedented legal case, the court agreed that although the orangutan named Sandra was not human, the habeas corpus writ rate could be extended to her.

