夏说英语新闻晨读 第338期:神秘消失的女飞行员(在线收听


Bones discovered on a Pacific island in 1940 are "likely" to be those of famed pilot Amelia Earhart, according to a US science journal. Earhart, her plane, and her navigator vanished without a trace in 1937 over the Pacific Ocean. But the study claims these bones prove she died as an island castaway. Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, and was considered one of the most famous women in the world when the mystery of her disappearance began.

famed: 著名的
navigator: 领航员
vanish: 消失
claim: 声称
castaway: 被抛弃的人
mystery: 神秘事件,谜团
disappearance: 消失
