夏说英语新闻晨读 第349期:首尔MeToo马拉松(在线收听


Young women in South Korea are fighting for a new future.
The #MeToo movement which has highlighted sexual harassment and abuse around the world has taken a surprising hold in this socially conservative country.
At a marathon #MeToo protest in the centre of Seoul, 193 women stood at the microphone and told their experiences of sexual harassment for 2018 minutes non-stop.

highlight: n.亮点; v.突出, 强调
sexual harassment: n. 性侵犯
take hold: 爆发, 产生影响
conservative: adj. 传统的
marathon: n. 马拉松, 马拉松式的
protest: n./vi. 抗议
non-stop: adj./adv. 直达, 不间断地
