夏说英语新闻晨读 第357期:集体上诉脸书(在线收听


Facebook must face a class action lawsuit over its use of facial recognition technology, a California judge has ruled.
The lawsuit alleges that Facebook gathered biometric information without users' explicit consent.
It involves the "tag suggestions" technology, which spots users' friends in uploaded photos; the lawsuit says this breaches Illinois state law.
Facebook said the case had no merit and it would fight it vigorously.

rule: vt. 裁定
allege: vt. 声称
biometric: adj. 生物统计学的
explicit: adj. 明确的
consent: vi. / n. 同意
breach: vt. 违反
merit: vt. / n. 值得 / 荣誉,价值
vigorously: adv. 强有力的,坚决的
