夏说英语新闻晨读 第359期:新晋带货王妃(在线收听


On the morning of 1 December last year staff at Canadian fashion house Mackage came into work to find a single item had inexplicably sold out overnight. Every one of its 750 euroes(1,013 dollars) double-breasted military maxi coats had walked off the shelves in over twenty countries on three continents. The reason? Meghan Markle. Prince Harry's fiancée had worn the coat five hours earlier, five thousand miles away in her first public walkabout in Nottingham, England. Within minutes the world wanted Mackage maxi coats.

staff: n. 员工
inexplicably: adv. 莫名其妙地
overnight: adv./adj. 一晚上
double-breasted: adj. 双排纽扣的
maxi coat: n. 长款大衣
trench coat: n. 长风衣
down jacket: n. 羽绒夹克
blazer: n. 休闲西装外套
walkabout: n. 出巡;公众见面
