夏说英语新闻晨读 第360期:霍金与时空穿梭者(在线收听


Organisers of Prof Stephen Hawking's memorial service have seemingly left the door open for time travellers to attend.
Those wishing to honor the theoretical physicist, who died in March aged 76, can apply via a public ballot.
Applicants need to give their birth date, which can be any day up to 31 December 2038. Prof Hawking's foundation said the possibility of time travel had not been disproven and could not be excluded.

organizer: n. 组织者
memorial service: 纪念活动
seemingly: adv. 似乎;貌似
time traveler: 时光穿梭者
honor: vt. 纪念;兑现 n. 荣誉
theoretical: adj. 理论的
physicist: n. 物理学家
via: prep. 通过
ballot: n. 抽签
foundation: n. 基金会
disprove: vt. 证伪
exclude: vt. 排除
