夏说英语新闻晨读 第361期:意大利小镇旅游正红火(在线收听


Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan: a tourist's checklist of Italy rarely lacks its main art cities. Yet as many of these destinations struggle to cope with an enormous influx of visitors, an opportunity is opening up for the country's smaller – but no less charming – towns. Over the past year the number of nights spent by visitors in villages across the Bel Paese has grown by a staggering 24 million. It shows that with the right hotels and restaurants, and a tended-to cultural offering, a small town's economy can revive itself.

checklist: n.(核对事项用的)清单;检查单
rarely: adv. 极少地
cope with: 应对
enormous: adj. 大量的
influx: n.(人、钱)大量涌入
Bel Paese: 美丽的国家
staggering: adj. 令人震惊的
revive: v. 复兴;复苏




