夏说英语新闻晨读 第366期:褪色的梵高向日葵(在线收听


The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is reviewing how it displays the artist's Sunflowers painting after a pioneering new technique revealed the painting's petals and stems were withering to an olive-brown colour as a result of his use of a light-sensitive yellow paint.
A laborious x-ray scan of the painting's canvas has discovered that Vincent van Gogh used two different types of a chrome yellow paint, one of which is more liable to degrade under light.

review: vt. 评估;评论(business review)
display: vt. 展示
pioneering: adj. 尖端的(pioneering spirit)
technique: n. 技术;手段
petal: n. 花瓣
stem: n.(花)茎(stem cell)
wither: vi. 枯萎;衰老
sensitive: adj. 敏感的
paint: n. 颜料
laborious: adj. 耗时费力的;艰难的
chrome yellow: 铬黄色;亮黄色
be liable to: 很可能会发生的;可能性很大的
