夏说英语新闻晨读 第373期:办公室饮食危机(在线收听


Workplaces across America provide their employees with foods high in salt and refined grains and low in whole grains and fruit. Some of the most commonly obtained foods included beverages like coffee and regular soft drinks, which are large sources of added sugar, sandwiches, water, tea, diet drinks, and the list rounds out with cookies and brownies, said Stephen Onufrak, an epidemiologist. Americans are not consuming enough fruits, vegetables, and dairy and it can be challenging to meet the new US Dietary Guidelines. One solution suggested by the authority: Employers could promote "worksite wellness" programs to encourage healthy eating and include food options that follow the US Dietary Guidelines in vending machines and cafeterias.

workplace: n. 工作场合;单位
refined grains: 精细谷物
commonly: adv. 通常地
round out: 使完整
epidemiologist: n. 流行病学家
consume: vt. 消耗;吃掉
US Dietary Guidelines: 美国膳食指南
vending machine: 自动售货机
cafeteria: n. 食堂;自助餐厅
