夏说英语新闻晨读 第375期:美第一夫人穿衣风波(在线收听


First Lady Melania Trump has been criticized for the choice of her coat worn on a trip to a migrant child detention center in Texas. Mrs Trump was spotted in the coat, which featured graffiti writing on the back with the words "I really don't care do u?", as she boarded a plane. Her spokeswoman said "there was no hidden message" in the former fashion model's sartorial choice. The $39 (£29) jacket from Zara has caused an uproar on social media.

be criticized for…: 因…受到批评
migrant: n. 移民
detention center: 拘留所;收容中心
spot: vt. 发现(n. 地点;斑点)
graffiti: n. 涂鸦
sartorial: adj. 着装的
uproar: n. 骚动
