夏说英语新闻晨读 第377期:英国啤酒荒(在线收听


A shortage of CO2 could take the fizz out of beer and other sparkling drinks this summer, just as the World Cup and barbecue season get under way. The UK has only two plants producing carbon dioxide and one is closed for maintenance, threatening to leave drinks makers high and dry. "It's already stopping production," said Brigid Simmonds, head of the British Beer and Pub Association.

shortage: n. 短缺
fizz: n. 气泡 vi.(液体)起泡并发咝咝声
sparkling: adj.(饮料)有气泡的
still/sparkling/tap water: 不含气泡的矿泉水 / 气泡水 / 自来水
barbecue: n. 烧烤
kebab: n. 烤肉串
plant: n. 工厂
carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳
maintenance: n. 维护;保养
high and dry: 绝望的;无助的
