夏说英语新闻晨读 第380期:闭门造车(在线收听


Donald Trump has said Harley-Davidsons should "never" be built abroad, as he attacked the firm's plans to move some production overseas to avoid European tariffs.
Mr Trump said the iconic bike brand's new Thailand plant marked a "surrender" and "the beginning of the end".
Last week, the EU imposed retaliatory tariffs on US goods, including bourbon, orange juice and motorcycles.

Harley-Davidsons: 哈雷机车
abroad: adv. 到海外;在国外(overseas)
aboard: adv. 登上船(或飞机、公共汽车、火车等);在船(或飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上
attack: vt. 攻击;严厉批评
tariff: n. 关税
duty-free: adj.(商品)免税的
iconic: adj. 标志性的
surrender: n. 投降
the beginning of the end: 预示结局的先兆;末日的开端
impose: vt. 施加
retaliatory tariff: 报复性关税
bourbon: n. 波旁威士忌
