夏说英语新闻晨读 第381期:女性的时尚标配(在线收听


Along the streets of Beijing, flyers advertising newly built gyms are passed into everyone's hands. The prices range from 1,000 RMB to 19,000 RMB a year.
Exercise isn't traditionally part of Chinese culture, barring some aunties square-dancing in the park and a few tai chi practitioners on the sidelines. But that's changing now, with the hashtag "#majia xian" going viral on Weibo, Chinese Twitter.
Traditionally, a more willowy physique has been considered to be ideal for Chinese women and gyms were not a common part of everyday life. But increasing exposure to Western lifestyles has made a desire for a more muscular physique, namely abdominal muscles, trendy.

flyer: n. 广告传单
sideline: n. 边线
hashtag: n. 标签
willowy: adj. 婀娜多姿的;苗条的
physique: n. 体格;体型
abdominal muscle: 腹肌
