夏说英语新闻晨读 第391期:唐顿庄园电影版(在线收听


Fans of Downton Abbey can breathe a sigh of relief–a film of the hugely successful TVseries has finally been confirmed after much speculation.
The"original principal cast" will begin production later this summer,the film's producers said.
The show'screator Julian Fellowes has written the film's screenplay, and he is going toco-produce as well.
The periodTV drama, which was a hit around the world, ended at Christmas 2015 after six series.

breathe asigh of relief: 长吁一口气;松一口气
breathe vi. 呼吸;吸气
breath: n. 呼吸
sighvi. 叹气
relief: n. (卸下负担之后的) 宽心,放松
hugely/quite/extremely: adv. 非常地;极其地
TV series: 电视剧
speculation: n. 猜测;推测
original: adj. 起初的;原先的
principal: adj. 主要的
cast: n. 演员阵容;卡司
producer: n. 制片人
creator: n. 创作者
screenplay: n. 剧本
period TVdrama: 时代剧
hit: 成功的人 (或事)
