夏说英语新闻晨读 第393期:业余女自行车选手完成环法(在线收听


13 female cyclists completed the 2018 Tour de France over the same mountains on the same 3,351-kilometer (2,082-mile) route before the men do.
What these amateur female cyclists hope for, instead of winning the trophy, is recognition, respect, and the return of the women's Tour.
"We are trying to prove that women, even amateurs, totally clean - no doping, no special assistance - are able for this kind of effort," one of the cyclists said.

cyclist: n. 自行车选手
vocalist: n. 歌手
complete: vt. 圆满完成
Tour de France: 环法自行车赛
tour: n. 旅游;巡回演出
tournament: n. 联赛;比赛
route: n. 高速公路;线路
amateur: n. 业余爱好者(adj. 业余的)
trophy: n. 奖品
recognition: n. 认可
doping: n. (服用)兴奋剂
