夏说英语新闻晨读 第398期:巴西网红整形医生整出祸端(在线收听


A celebrity Brazilian plastic surgeon known as Dr Bumbum has been arrested after four days on the run following the death of one of his patients.
Police say Dr Denis Furtado was detained in Rio de Janeiro thanks to an anonymous tip. His patient Lilian Calixto died following injections he gave her to enlarge her buttocks.
Dr Furtado faces murder charges, his mother was also arrested and is accused of being an accomplice.

celebrity: n. 名人
plastic surgeon: 整形外科医生
surgery: n. 外科手术
plastic surgery: 整形外科手术
detain: vt. 拘留;拘押
anonymous: adj. 匿名的
injection: n. 注射
enlarge: vt. 使增大
buttock(s): n. 臀部
face murder charges: 面临谋杀指控
accomplice: n. 共犯;同谋者
