美国小学英语教材4:第128课 每个国家都有自己的英雄(4)(在线收听

 When Grendel found that the warriors would not enter the hall at night, he lay waiting in dark places and seized them as they passed. 格伦德尔发现战士们晚上不进入大厅,于是他躺在黑暗的地方等着,在他们经过时抓住他们。

So for twelve long years the Danes suffered from their terrible enemy. 因此,在长达12年的时间里,丹麦人一直遭受着可怕敌人的折磨。
During all this time, no sounds of laughter or song came from within the great building. 在这段时间里,这座伟大的建筑里没有任何欢歌笑语。
It was silent and dark, for Grendel was the only one who walked there. 寂静而黑暗,只有格伦德尔一个人去那儿。
The years passed, and no man was found who was strong enough to fight with Grendel. 多年过去了,没有一个人强壮到足以对抗格伦德尔。
Now it happened that far away in the land of the Goths, a brave prince named Beowulf heard the story of the wicked giant. 在遥远的哥特人的土地上,一位名叫贝奥武夫的勇敢王子听到了邪恶巨人的故事。
His heart was filled with pity for the Danes. 他心里充满了对丹麦人的同情。
"I will go across the sea and slay this wicked giant," he said. 他说:“我要漂洋过海,杀死这个邪恶的巨人。”
"I will save King Hrothgar and his people from the terror and suffering which have fallen upon them." “我要拯救何罗斯迦王和他的百姓,使他们脱离惊恐和苦难。”
Taking with him fifteen brave warriors, Beowulf set sail for the land of the Danes. 贝奥武夫带着15名勇士起航前往丹麦。
For two days they sailed, and then they came to a place where steep cliffs rose out of the sea. 他们航行了两天,来到陡峭岩壁的海域。
High above them they saw a man guarding the shore. 他们看见悬崖上方有一个人守卫着海岸。