英语听力精选进阶版 8426(在线收听

Jordanian State television has confirmed that the country’s air force pilot who was captured by Islamic?State?militants has been killed. The group released?a video that?purported?to show Moaz al-Kasasbeh being held in a metal cage surrounded by oil then the fuel is?lit?and the pilot is pictured burned alive. He was captured after he crashed near IS strong-hold while taking part in US-led?operations over northern Syria. King Abdullah of Jordan called the pilot a hero who died defending his country.?

约旦电视台已经证实被伊斯兰武装分子绑架的约旦军事飞行员被杀。伊斯兰恐怖组织发布视频显示Moaz al-Kasasbeh被关在一个铁笼子里,周围撒满汽油,随即汽油被点燃,飞行员被活活烧死。该飞行员在参与美国领导的对叙利亚北部空袭中飞机坠毁在伊斯兰控制据点附近地区,随即被俘。约旦国王阿卜杜拉称赞该飞行员为保卫国家的英雄。

? pilot?Moaz?died defending his beliefs, homeland and nation. He joins all the?marches?who made ultimate sacrifice before him, for?dear?Jordan. Today, we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of?the?martyr?hero Moaz, with our people and our armed?forces in this tragedy.?


Speaking in Washington, President Obama?said?if the video?of?the murder was authentic?and was a?further indication of barbarity of IS. He added?that?the killing would re-double the?determination of the US-led?coalition to defeat the militants.?


Members of Parliament in Britain have voted?overwhelmingly in?favor of controversial scientific technique that would allow the creation of babies using DNA from three people. If the measures were approved by the House of Lords, Britain would become the first country to legalize the procedure. Scientists say it could?prevent?children?inheriting certain?life threatening diseases. Here’s our health correspondent James Gallagher explains.


Doctors want?to create babies from two women and one man in order to prevent deadly genetic diseases. The aim is to correct defects in a tiny shortage in the body that convert food to?usable?energy.?These?mitochondria?are passed?only from mother to child. The scientist's?solution is to combine the parents’ DNA with a healthy mitochondria from a?donor?woman.?Evidence?suggests the technique would be safe but nobody?can?be certain. It also raises ethical questions.


The Ratings agency Standrad & Poor’s has?to?paid nearly 1.4 billion dollars to the US authorities to settle a legal claim that it?knowingly?inflated its ratings of mortgage investments. The ratings?were?issued over several years on the Subprime mortgage bonds that triggered?the?financial crisis of 2008. The US attorney general Eric Holder said the agency’s actions have been a factor in the crisis.


“On more than one occasion, the company's leadership ignored senior analysts who warned that the company had given top ratings to financial products that were failing to perform as advertised, As S&P admits under this settlement, company executives complained that the company declined to downgrade under performing assets, because it was worried that doing so would hurt the company's business. This strategy did major harm, major harm to the larger economy, contributing to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.US attorney general Eric Holder.?


You are listening?to?latest?world news from the BBC.


Argentina authorities investigating the mysterious death of?a special?prosecutor Alberto Nisman last month have?revealed?that he had considered to?question the arrest of President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner. The prosecutor investigating Mr. Nisman's death said that a draft arrest?warrant?from Mr. Fernandez was retrieved from a rubbish bin in his apartment.??


Reports from northeast Nigeria say Chadian troops have taken control of a board town that being in the hands of Boko Haram militants. A French news agency reported there said the Chadian soldiers moved into Gan Bolu on Tuesday after pounding Boko Haram oppositions for several days using fighter planes and helicopters.

来自尼日利亚东北部的报道称乍得军队已经控制了博科圣地武装分子占据的边境城镇。法国新闻社报道称乍得士兵在与博客圣地武装分子经过几天战斗机和直升机轰炸之后于周二向Gan Bolu 进攻。

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has accused south Sudan's leaders?putting their own interests?above?those of their people. President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar signed?yet?another ceasefire agreement on Sunday but failed to addresses?use?of?power sharing. Mr. Ban called?for?a comprehensive agreement and said that no peace would be found unless the leaders place the interests?of the population above their own.


The author of one of the best selling books of all time To Kill?a?Mockingbird?is to?published a second novel more than half a century after the first. The new work Go Set a Watchman was completed in the 1950th, before To kill?a?Mockingbird and also features?Scout?the main character in her best selling book. Bill Silito has more.


To Kill?a?Mockingbird won the Pulitzer Price, sold more than 40 million copies?and?was turned?into an?Oscar winning movie. But its author Harper Lee never published another novel. However, a novel has been re-discovered. Go Set a Watchman?features?Scout as an adult. He was?sort?a pretty good effort time by her and it was this?that?led her?editor?to encourage her to go on?to?explore?Scout's?childhood and what will become her masterpiece. Harper Lee?issued a statement?saying the book?had been rediscovered?by one of her friends.She thought it?had been lost?forever.

