英语听力精选进阶版 8431(在线收听

The Ukrainian president?Petro Poroshenko?has?made an?emotional plea for support in his country's fight against?pro-Russian rebels.?Brandishing?what he said was?a passport of captured Russian soldiers. Mr. Poroshenko told world leaders at a conference in Munich that Ukraine needed hope to confront?Russian aggression.?


I take with me, the passport, and military ID of Russian soldiers, Russian officers who?will come?to us. This is the best evidence for their aggression and for the presences?of Russian troops. killing my soldiers?and?killing Ukrainian civilians dozens, hundreds, thousands.


Earlier, the American vice president John?Biden?said US was committed to helping Ukraine defending itself with the latest peace initiative failed.?But?chancellor Merkel?of Germany?warned?against army Ukraine. 


Ukraine?says its?forces have come under intensified shelling from pro separatists across the conflict zone. Defense officials in Kiev?say?the rebels have?amassed more tanks, armed personnel carrying multiple rocket launchers?to renew their attacks on 2 key government held towns,?the railway hub Debaltseve?and coast city?of Mariupol?which controls access to the Russian-annexed?Crimea?peninsula. A BBC correspondent to rebel held?Donetsk?says the streets are largely deserted with many residents sheltering in basements.?

乌克兰方面称亲俄叛军在战争冲突去对其部队的进攻越来越激烈。基辅国防部长表示叛军目前拥有贡多的坦克,武装人员携带多个火箭发射器重新攻击两个政府据点,一个是铁路枢纽hub Debaltseve还有一个是沿海城市马里乌波尔,这个城市控制着俄罗斯吞并的克里米亚半岛的入口。一位BBC驻顿涅茨克记者称当地街道非常冷清,大多数居民都躲在地下室居住。

Thousands of Yemenis have been protesting in several cities in the central of the country against the political takeover by?Houthi?rebels. They denounced the Houthi's declaration on Friday of a new power frame working Yemen as a coup and demanded they withdraw their fighters from major cities.?Houthi?Gunmen fired into the air?to disperse protesters in the capital?Sanaa. Earlier, a bomb exploded outside the president?palace?which rebels now control.


The United Arab?Emirates?says it is sending a?squad?of?F-16 aircraft to Jordan to support the Kingdom's forces in?an?intense programme?of?airstrikes against IS?militants?as part of?the?US led?coalition.?From Dubai here's Mark Lobel.


Pressure has been mounting on the?UAE?to response claims made by Americans officials that safety concerns had led to a pulling-out of?coalition?airstrikes against IS 2 months ago. The alleged pullout was said to have taken place after Jordanian pilot?Moaz al-Kasasbeh?was captured in Syria in December after his jet?crashed?during a bombing mission. The recent confirmation of the Jordanian flight lieutenant's death?burnt alive?in a cage by his captors, has, however, prompted Jordan and its allies to intensify its efforts. The announcement is intended to dispel rumors of split in moderate?Sunni?Arabs?support for airstrikes?on those parts?of Syria and Iraq now under the control of the Sunni extremists?IS.?


World news from the BBC.


The Brazilian government says?there has been?a 50% increase?in?the number of cases of dengue?fever?this year. Health officials say the rise

is due to the country's prolonged drought in the heavily populated southern states. They said people were storing water inadequately in open containers allowing masquitoes to breed.


The governor of?the?Mexican state of?Veracruz?has said the high levels of violence have nothing to do with the cancellation of a popular international literary festival in the capital?Xalapa. On Friday, organizers of the UK?Hay?festival who promote literary?meets?in cities around the world decided to pull out this year's gathering in Xalapa and host?an?online conference instead.


Security has been tightened?in a number of Nigerian?cities ahead of?an?announcement by the electoral commission on whether to postpone next Saturday's general election. Security officials have said they won't be able to guarantee public safety if the poll goes ahead as planned.?Because of the?threat posed by Boko Haram Islamists. Chekwas Okorie,an opposition presidential candidate accused the governing party of interference.?

在选举来临之际尼日利亚多所城市安防工作已经加强,选举委员会尚未决定是否推迟下周六的大选。安全官员称因为受到博科圣地恐怖组织的威胁,如果选举照常举行其无法保证公众安全。一位反对派候选人Chekwas Okorie指责执政党干涉选举。

Our supporters will lose confidence in the process because definitely they would believe that?the?shift is a result of the pressure that come from?the?party. That is a scare of?the?defeat.?And?so if the party has its?win?to shift?the goal balls to what is enough of the much,?then?the party will have its win?in many political results .


The South African author?Andre Brink?who was a problem critic of apartheid has died aged 79. Andre Brink was a white south African?who?wrote in?Afrikaans and English. Some of his novels were burned for challenging the apartheid system. In his later work?he?was deeply critic of the African national congress after the?south Africa became?a?democracy. His most famous books include A Dry?White?Season and Looking On Darkness.

南非作者Andre Brink去世,享年79岁。Andre Brink是一位南非白人曾用南非荷兰语和英语写作。他的一些小说因挑战种族隔离制度被烧毁。在南非成为一个民主国家之后他后来的作品被非洲国民大会深深批评。他最出名的作品包括《 A Dry?White?Season》和《Looking On Darkness》
