向前一步:第179期 全能女人是个神话(12)(在线收听

 Susan Wojcicki, who blazed a trail by having four children while being one of Google's earliest and most valuable employees, 苏珊·沃西基有4个孩子,她是谷歌资历最老、最重要的员工之一。

brought her children to the office when her babysitter was sick. 她会在保姆生病时把孩子带到办公室。
Both my boss, Omid, and David Fischer, the most senior leader on my team, were steadfast supporters and did not allow others to take over parts of my job. 我的老板奥米德以及团队中的资深高管戴维·费希尔,都对此表示了坚定的支持,他们也没有让别人接管我那部分工作。
Slowly, it began to dawn on me that my job did not really require that I spend twelve full hours a day in the office. 渐渐地,我开始明白,我的工作并不真的需要让我每天都花整整12个小时在办公室。
I became much more efficient — more vigilant about only attending or setting up meetings that were truly necessary, 我开始更加高效地工作:只有在参加或主持必要的会议时,我的注意力才会更加集中;
more determined to maximize my output during every minute I spent away from home. 在离开家的每一分钟,我都坚定地把自己的工作效率提升至最高水平。
I also started paying more attention to the working hours of those around me; cutting unnecessary meetings saved time for them as well. 我开始留意那些以我为中心的工作时间,也取消了不必要的会议来保证这些重要的时间段。
I tried to focus on what really mattered. 我试着只关注那些真正重要的事情。
Long before I saw the poster, I began to adopt the mantra "Done is better than perfect." 作为我的座右铭之一,我也坚信:“完成,好过完美。”
Done, while still a challenge, turns out to be far more achievable and often a relief. 完成,说明这件事虽然有挑战性,但结果证明它是能够实现的,也常常让人如释重负。
By the time I took my second maternity leave, I not only unplugged (mostly), but really enjoyed the time with both my children. 因此,当我第二次休产假时,我不仅彻底放松了(在大多数时间里),而且真的非常享受和两个孩子在一起的时光。
My sister-in-law, Amy, a doctor, experienced almost the exact same evolution in attitude. 我的弟媳埃米是位医生,她也在心态上经历了几乎和我同样的变化。
"When I had my first child, I worked twelve-hour days while trying to pump at work," she told me. “当生完第一个孩子,我每天工作12个小时,还试着在上班的时候用抽乳器。”她告诉我,
"I wanted to feel connected to my baby in the limited hours that I was home, so I made myself her sole caregiver many nights. “我想在家里利用有限的时间和孩子建立起联系,所以好些时候我都在晚上一个人照顾她。