夏说英语新闻晨读 第405期:河马发飙袭击中国游客(在线收听


A hippopotamus attacked and killed a tourist in Kenya over the weekend, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) said in a tweet on Sunday. The attack took place Saturday evening at Lake Naivasha, about 58 miles from the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. Chang Ming Chuang, 65, was with a colleague taking pictures of the hippo on the shores of the lake when the animal attacked. Chuang's colleague, Wu Peng Te, 62, survived the attack with minor bruises and is recovering at the Naivasha Sopa Resort, the wildlife service said.

hippopotamus: n. 河马
hippo: 河马
attackn. 攻击
tweet: n. 推特(消息);小鸟叫声
bank: n. 河床
beach: n. 海滩
coast: n. 海岸线
survive: vi. 存活
survive: vt. 幸存
bruise: n. 淤青
scratch: n. 划痕
cut: n. 伤口
recover: vi. 康复
