夏说英语新闻晨读 第406期:土耳其里拉崩盘(在线收听


Turkey's central bank has said it is ready to take "all necessary measures" to ensure financial stability after the collapse of the lira. It has vowed to provide banks with "all the liquidity the banks need". The comments came after a widening diplomatic spat with the US prompted market turmoil in the country.

all necessary measures: 所有必要的措施
ensure: vt. 确保
financial stability: 金融稳定
collapse: vi. 崩盘;倒塌
lira: n. 里拉
vow: vt. 发誓;许诺
widening: adj. 不断加剧的
diplomatic: adj. 外交的
spat: n. 争执
prompt: vt. 导致
cause provoke
turmoil: n. 动荡;混乱
