夏说英语新闻晨读 第407期:人类探日最近距离(在线收听


US space agency Nasa has launched its mission to send a satellite closer to the Sun than any before. The Parker Solar Probe rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The probe is set to become the fastest-moving manmade object in history. Its data promises to crack longstanding mysteries about the Sun's behaviour.

agency: n. 政府专门机构;代理机构
launch: vt. 发布;发射;启动
than any before / than ever before: 比以往任何时候更…… (与形容词比较级连用表示最高级)
solar: adj. 太阳的;来自太阳的;使用太阳能的
solar system: 太阳系
solar energy: 太阳能
probe: n. 探测器 vt. 探查,探测;打探,盘问
lift off: 发射
lift: n. 电梯 (elevator);顺风车
Cape Canaveral: 卡纳维拉尔角
Cape of Good Hope: 好望角
Cape Town: 开普敦
data: n. 数据
crack: vt. 解开谜题
longstanding: adj. 长久以来的
