夏说英语新闻晨读 第414期:希斯罗入境排长龙(在线收听


Delays at Heathrow Airport passport control left passengers queuing for up to two and a half hours last month, figures show. On 30 out of 31 days in July, the border force missed its target of a 45-minute wait or less for 95% of visitors from outside the European Economic Area. Virgin Atlantic, which obtained the data, said passengers are "frustrated".

delay: n. 晚点;推迟;延误
passport control: 护照检查处;入境管理处
queue: vi. 排队
Excuse me, (but) where is the end of the queue?
figure: n. 数据
miss the/one's target: 没有完成目标
European Economic Area: 欧洲经济区
Virgin Atlantic: 维珍航空 (英国维珍大西洋航空公司)
frustrated: adj. 郁闷的;沮丧的
frustrating: adj. 令人灰心的;使人气馁的
