夏说英语新闻晨读 第419期:象牙缉私犬(在线收听


A ground breaking technique looks set to turn man's best friend into a trafficker's worst nightmare. It will allow dogs to sniff out ivory, rhino horn and other illegal wildlife products hidden in large shipping containers, using a tiny sample of air. The method is being trialled at Kenya's Mombasa port - said to be Africa's most active hub for ivory trafficking.

groundbreaking: adj. 创新的;先进的
technique: n. 技术手段
trafficker: n. 走私者
sniffvt. 细嗅
In me the tiger sniffs the rose. 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。
ivory: n. 象牙;象牙白
ivory tower: 象牙塔
rhino horn: 犀牛角
wildlife: n. 野生动植物;野生生物
shipping container: 货运集装箱
sample: n. 样本
trial: vt. 实验
hub: n. 枢纽;中转站
