夏说英语新闻晨读 第420期:美国墨西哥达成贸易协定修改协议(在线收听


The United States and Mexico have reached an agreement to change parts of NAFTA, the trade deal that President Donald Trump has derided for years as unfair. Trump announced the agreement from the Oval Office Monday. But the deal left open the question of whether Canada, the third country in NAFTA, would agree to the changes. Much of the business world has been worried about Trump's trade policies, and the stock market reacted positively to the news of a deal. The Dow closed nearly 260 points higher on Monday.

reach an agreement: 达成协议;达成共识
NAFTA: abbr. 北美自由贸易协定
North American Free Trade Agreement: 北美自由贸易协定
North American Free Trade Area: 北美自由贸易区
deride: vt. 嘲弄
Oval Office: 美国总统办公室
oval: adj. 椭圆形的
leave open the question of: ……问题仍待解决
trade policies: 贸易政策
react: vi. 反应
The Dow: 道琼斯指数(道指)
Dow Jones Industrial Average: 道琼斯工业平均指数
close: vi. 收盘
closing price: 收盘价
