夏说英语新闻晨读 第421期:宝洁申请奇葩商标(在线收听


Procter & Gamble has applied to trademark acronyms that are common in text speak. If successful, terms including "LOL" (Laugh Out Loud), "NBD" (No Big Deal) and even WTF (What The F**k, too rude to spell out here)could be used to market products. The global household products company applied to use theacronyms in soap, detergents and air fresheners.

trademark: n. 商标
acronym: n. 缩写 (首字母缩写)
text: n. 短信息 vt. 给……发短信
market: vt. 推广;营销
detergent: n. 洗涤剂
air freshener: 空气清新剂
jargon: n. 行话;行业术语
