夏说英语新闻晨读 第422期:可口可乐收购Costa咖啡(在线收听


Coca-Cola is to buy the Costa coffee chain from owner Whitbread in a deal worth 3.9 billion pounds. Whitbread had intended to spin off the chain as a separate firm, but said a straight sale was more profitable. Chief executive Alison Brittain said Whitbread would now focus on its Premier Inn business in the UK and Germany.

cocaine: n. 可卡因
chain: n. 连锁店
intend to do sth.: 想要做某事;打算做某事
intention: n. 意图
intentional: adj. 有意的;故意的
spin off: 拆分;剥离
spin-off: n. 脱离原组织而独立出来的公司;派生作品
straight: adj. 直接的
focus on: 专注于
premier: adj. 首要的,重要的;最好的 n. 总理; 首相
inn: n. 小旅店;酒店
